Integrated development for a community of everyday leaders

Gain access to a learning, development, and performance-focused program, so you can leverage your leadership in every role.


We’ve created an integrated learning experience so that you have education, resources, and accountability in your growth and get to lead with work and life in alignment.

Leadership Mindset Institute

Changing the way you lead is possible. We’ve done it before.

Our team brings years of experience designing developmental conversations for leaders across industries and continually found that Leadership Mindset was the foundational shift that need to happen in individuals leaders before the real work of changing organizations and teams could follow.

Leadership Development + Performance Mindset Strategy = the sweet spot where leaders are making exponential strides in their work and life. We have consulted with teams and leaders, led our own teams, studied organizational strategy, and facilitated workshops meant to merge this all together— yet the thing we consistently feel we need is a more consistent approach to the development itself.

Leadership growth requires consistency and accessibility and that’s what we created for you.

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Join the membership for leaders choosing high-impact development.

Whether you are a seasoned CEO or an emerging leader, this developmental portal will give you access to tools:

  • Immediate digital download of the self-guided Lightning Leadership™ Workbook designed for a jumpstart to your leadership development.

  • Developmentally-focused activities all in one place that will be upgraded on a quarterly cadence.

  • Resources leverage your learning in both leadership development and high-performance mindset

  • Access to a facilitated community of leaders to connect and network, plus resources that will feel like your own Learning & Development Coach on-call


“To live means to experience-through doing, feeling, thinking. Experience takes place in time, so time is the ultimate scarce resource we have. Over the years, the content of experience will determine the quality of life. Therefore one of the most essential decisions any of us can make is about how one's time is allocated or invested.”
― Mihaly Csìkszentmihàlyi

Do I need to be in a formal position of leadership to learn from this membership?


The short answer is no. Let us explain:

We believe everyone has impact and influence in their life, whether that is in a conference room or your living room.

We created a membership that is for leaders at every level, inside or outside of an organization.

We are committed to designing a leadership development model that is inclusive and levels the learning experience so that no person’s “developmental value“ ranks higher than another.

We all need growth and must to be operating strategically from our strengths and natural giftings as an individual, both personally and professionally, to be fully engaged in our work and life.

Leaders choose impact.

You are a leader if you guide yourself in decision-making. You are a leader if you bring your skillsets to a team. You are a leader if you align your values with your mission, or the mission and vision of your organization. You are a leader if you think things could be done differently or if you’ve ever dreamed of trying it a new way. You are a leader if you think there are ways to treat people on the team better. You are a leader when you call out a coworker to celebrate their wins and when you take it upon yourself to bring kindness to the office. You are a leader if you’re responsible for yourself, or others, or teams, or boards, or clients, or stakeholders.

You are a leader WHEN you do all these things, but most importantly, you are leader who has potential to impact all of these spaces with authentic commitment to leading authentically. We are helping you to commit to doing all of this, better.


One-time Membership Fee

*Full access to the Leadership Mindset Institute immediately


Meet the Team

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Chaili Trentham, M.A.

With a Master's degree in Leadership and certifications in Whole and Intentional Leader Development and Design Thinking for Innovation, Chaili’s approach to leadership empowers employees to grow in their creative capacity, confidence as a leader, and ability to bring their individual strengths to every project. Working with hundreds of leaders over the past decade, Chaili founded Coffee on Leadership to connect leaders with a developmental framework that leverages immediate impact and prioritizes personal and professional alignment.

Chaili is a big fan of a good cappuccino, farmers’ markets, and adventures with her husband and 2 wild boys, Knox and Brixton.

Expertise: Strategic Leadership, Whole Leader Development, Developmental Networks of Support/Mentorship Program Design

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Scott is a leadership and development coach and strategist for teams and individuals looking to improve their work and their relationship to it. Scott holds his B.A. in Sports Psychology and his M.S. in College Counseling in Student Development. He is passionate about you not only finding your calling but working effectively and strategically once you are there.

With experience in athletics and higher education, Scott is skilled at leading and developing teams and structuring out programs that are cohesive and strategic. He also coaches baseball and spends his free time with his wife, Kenzie, and their baby boy, Taylor.

Expertise: Leadership Development, Employee Experiences, Strategic Initiatives for High-Performance Mindset Executive Training

Where we’ve shared our leadership workshops:

Still have questions on how Leadership Mindset Institute helps you leverage your development for better leadership in your work and life?

Great. Connect with us directly.